VES warriors embarks on an Improvement project
It has been a month since we embarked on this MyCare Improvement Project. The team led by Kylie & Woei Ling, consist of 10 members from different departments under our own division - Hospitality & Environmental Services Division. In this project, we have members from VES, Security department as well as the General Support Services department.
From our side, we have: Aisah, Famieza, Ivan, Shelley, Teresa & Thibah, being involved in this project. With this, we hope to look into the flow and pattern of wheelchair and improve the current problem of wheelchairs being not available upon patient's or NOK's requests.
The team met up for the first time in the last week of August and we have since been trying to meet regular, at least once a week! So far we are at the planning stage, where the team members is still trying to get to know each other, setting expectations amongst the team, and also to understand the problem/situation better.
The team had just done a Go & See today, where they shadowing patients around to collect data, and also to shadow the porters who walk around the whole hospital premises to search for the abandoned wheelchairs. It's been a tiring day for them, but we do hope they enjoyed the experience while doing the go & see. Imagine yourself walking from 8.30am till 5pm non stop (aside from the break)... ^^
As the majority of the team comes from our department, we would also want to thank everyone (be it the team members or not) for your support and understanding when they have to step away from their deployment to go for meetings and/or data collection. Without your (the non-team members) support, we wouldn't be able to bring them out to settle the data collection which usually take more than just a day. Also, as the project team involves other departments, it wouldn't be easy to reach a good date where majority are able to meet up for the regular meetings. Therefore, many a times, sacrifices have to be made... Hence, once again, a shoutout to all of you guys: THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT AND YOUR KIND UNDERSTANDING! :))))
You can check out the photos in here! We will upload photos as and when about the meetings.. (:
Tuesday, 30 September 2014 · 1:18 am · 0 comment(s).